Am I crazy? Married, mother of two, looking at job applications in Japan

Edit: Thanks for the comments, everyone! I didn’t get quite as eaten alive as I expected from the redditors. I appreciate you (well most of you) going easy on me. It’s possible that all I need is another vacation to Japan to get this out of my system!

I’ve always wanted to teach English in Japan. I know it’s the “bottom of the barrel” but I don’t care. I am looking at jobs at universities and feel like I qualify and this could potentially happen.

I got my bachelor’s degree in east asian studies, minor in Japanese, and studied there in Nagoya for a semester. I had a boyfriend at the time, so I didn’t do the JET program after graduating. Instead I got my masters in TESOL. I taught esl at my university for a few years. Then I got a second masters in instructional design and that’s what I work in now. It’s a comfy work from home job. I’ve since pretty much “solidified” my life by getting married, having kids, and owning a home.

But maybe like five times a year, I have a dream that I’m living in Japan and its like, so nice. Call me a weeb all you want lol.

My kids are 4 years and 6 months. I feel like working in Japan for, idk, a year or three could be a really cool adventure for them. My husband is being a super realist. He wants to be a stay at home dad while i work, but realistically… What do we do with our house? Our stuff? We are stuck in the grind. Is this something that someone in our situation can even do? Would it mess up our job prospects when we return to the US?

Anyone else been in this situation? Is it crazy? I honestly might just apply to jobs and see what happens!

Edit for clarification: my kids are 4 *years* and 6 months lol they are not 2 months apart

by CelestialButterflies

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