Where is the good Youtube content?

My commute recently got much longer, and I’m trying to use it as an opportunity to watch videos in Japanese in the train. I’m looking for content targeted at natives as I have ~N1 level, but I just cannot find interesting videos related to my hobbies.

In English I watch a variety of content such as

* Poker Vlogs
* Speedrunning documentaries
* History videos (WW2, Rome, …)
* Sciencey stuff (Veritaseum, …)
* Pure math/CS content (3B1B and various other creators)

However for the life of me I literally cannot find any content of even remotely the same level. The closest I got were a few videos by 中田敦彦 which have good dynamism, but in the end they’re basically whiteboard lectures, which is not really the same as watching an animated history documentary such as Montemayor or Historia Civilis’ videos.

I watched a few “live answering questions” videos (of which there seem to be a lot more than the categories above) such as ひろゆき and 岡田斗司夫 and they alright for learning as you can find versions online with full subtitles, but they’re just not that interesting to me.

The most surprising to me is the lack of content about speedrunning. Many major players in the speedrunning community are Japanese, yet after 20 minutes of searching with various keywords the only thing I found is a swath of Mario Maker 2 videos, nothing like documentaries.

Where do you guys find good video content? Outside of youtube? Or does the same level of content simply not exist in Japanese?

by Bibibis

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