Rental agency asking to move out before contract ends

Hello this is my first post here.

Currently we are renting an apartment with my wife, and we are moving out on March 10th (the date before the contract is automatically renewed). We already did the formal move out notice 1 month in advance.

To sum up, the agency said that as we are moving out in March, and they have a busy schedule, no staff from the company can come to check the apartment is in proper condition on the moving out date it so they ‘suggested’ that we move one week in advance.

I know we will move anyways, even if there is 1 week difference, but we are moving to a new house that is due to be finished around the second week of April and we are looking to move to a temporary place, and unluckily having to leave before that day would make a bad timing for us as we have a tight schedule.

How should we handle this? As far as I’m concerned, our contract is valid until the very last day right?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you

by GSV498

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