Itinerary Check: 6 days in Tokyo with a quick detour to Kanazawa in January


I will travel to Tokyo this early January. This will be my 3rd visit, but my last 2 visits were ages ago for student events, so didn’t get to visit many places. The main purpose for this trip is to attend a fan festival and catching up with some friends living there… But I do want to make the most of my upcoming trip.

Another thing is, initially I only plan to get Suica to get around Tokyo (even use it to ride Skyliner for airport train). However as I’ve just added Kanazawa to the itinerary (in exchange for Hakone day trip- due to friend’s availability), may I confirm if it’s more efficient to buy the Hokuriku Arch Pass, in addition to the Suica (with much less credit in the latter)?

Additionally, upon hearing I am visiting Kanazawa, another friend suggest to visit Shirakawago because they are quite close, and the place is beautiful. Hence I made plan A & plan B on my 5th and 6th day. Please advise if its feasible to make a half day trip to Shirakawago from Kanazawa, and get back to Tokyo by 4 pm?

My detail itinerary is below:

Day 1 (Saturday):
– Arrive in Narita in the morning
– Take NEX & local train to Akihabara, dropping off luggage at the hotel
– Noon: Explore Akihabara: Get lunch, Animate, Taito station, also buy discounted warm clothes in GU (I don’t have warm clothes so figure would be more efficient and cheaper fo buy there)
– Afternoon: Go to Asakusa to meet up with friends, Sensoji Temple, afternoon tea (want to get some authentic wagashi there, any recommendation is welcomed!), Nakamise shopping street
– Tokyo Sky Tree if there is still time
– Evening: Go to Shibuya & Harujuku, have dinner

Day 2 & 3:
– Full-day event at Tokyo Dome
– Question: Any recommendation of place for breakfast around Akihabara or Suidobashi? Since I didn’t book breakfast at my hotel.

Day 4:
– Go to Kanazawa to stay overnight at a friend’s place – Explore the town with the friend.
– Kanazawa Castle, Kenroku-en, Omicho Market

Day 5 (Wednesday):
Plan A:
– Morning: Back to Tokyo, go to my next place of stay in Adachi-Iriya (near Toneri st)
– Afternoon: Imperial Palace tour
– Evening – Meet up with friends in Tsukishima (I want to try Monjayaki)

Plan B:
– Morning to noon: Half day trip to Shirakawa go
– Afternoon: Back to Tokyo, go to my next place of stay in Adachi-Iriya (near Toneri st)
– Evening – Meet up with friends in Tsukishima (I want to try Monjayaki)

Day 6 (Thursday – last day before flight next morning)
Plan A (without detour to Shirakawa on previous day)
– Morning: Explore Ueno area: Ueno Park, Tokyo national museum
– Shopping for souvenirs at Ameyokocho and thrift shopping
– Tentative: Back to Akihabara for a themed cafe I want to visit but fully booked on my first arrival.

Plan B (with detour to Shirakawa on previous day)
– Morning: Imperial Palace Tour
– afternoon: Ueno Park, Tokyo national museum, Ameyokocho
– Evening: Any place I feel like to revisit

Thank you! 🙏

by Ultima_Boba

1 comment
  1. The Hokuriku Arch Pass should pay off.

    That being said, **skip Shirakawago**. Even if you leave at 8am, you will have at best **half an hour there** before having to either proceed to Nagoya or backtrack to Kanazawa to continue to Tokyo and reaching Toneri by 4pm will be a very close call.

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