traveling Romanian comedian is coming to Kyoto to tell dirty jokes – 27 and 28 June 2023

Hello everyone.

I’m one of the traveling comedians coming to Kyoto.

My name is Victor Patrascan, I’m from Romania and I’m organising the shows myself. No agents or media companies or advertising budget. Just me trying to do the best shows I can. I started comedy in London about 12 years ago but for the last 3-4 years I’ve been traveling through Europe doing exactly this, producing my own shows and telling uncomfortable jokes about the human experience. You can Google me to find out more

I’m coming to Kyoto with my good friend the hilarious Luana Matei.

I booked En Lab to do 2 shows, Failing in Love and Cancel Culture Comedy, shows we’ve been working on for the last year – the first is about relationships and the second is definitely not for the easily offended. More information and tickets here

Thank you for your patience getting to this point in the post.

Hope to see you at the show. Love, Victor

by Vpatrascan

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