Seeking Architecture Book help

Hey all. I appreciate that this is very niche but I’m hoping the community can help.

I’ve been trying to find books for a Japanese friend who is interested in foreign architecture, as they admire European building styles and castles. However, the only style of books I’ve found when hunting in bookstores in Japan fall into one of the following categories:

A) Books that cover a general topic (eg castles) and have artists impressions/sketches but no real photos or trivia, and mostly not of famous landmarks.


B) It’s text only with extremely niche subject choices for buildings and speaks more about construction materials.

Does anyone know of any books that would show pictures (not sketches) of buildings and landmarks and have some trivia/information about them, preferably in Japanese?

I know this is a needle in haystack, but any suggestions would be appreciated!

by bigbollocksbrian

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