Jobs in localization, editing, language QC?

Hi there! I am curious if anyone here works in (or has worked in) Japanese to English localization in Japan? Specifically in manga, games, anime, etc. I currently work as a games localizer in Korea (Korean to English) and am in the process of learning Japanese. I’d love to live in Japan one day down the line when my Japanese improves enough (since it’s very similar linguistically to Korean it’s not that hard for me).

I am wondering if there a lot of jobs in this field? I’m guessing the pay won’t be great as that’s also the case here in Korea, but since I do have 5+ years experience in this field I’d love to continue down this path. Though I’m also open to localization in other areas not just games or manga.

Mostly just want to hear people’s experiences so any advice would be great!

by Devils0haircut

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