Moving to Japan after my bachelor in International Business

Hello! I hope this post will make sense somewhat, as I am trying to look around for what I want to do after I finish my degree.

I am 21 years old and currently in my last year of a bachelor in international business, which I am studying for in The Hague, Netherlands (where I was born). My expected graduation date is \~June 2024. I see two possible options for myself once I graduate:
A. Do a master in Business Administration, Operations Managements or Supply Chain Managent (as a singular master for one of them, or a dual with 2 of these options). I found a university in Tokyo (United International Business Schools) where I would be able to follow these programs, as I have the English proficiency and am near completion of the required bachelor degree in a relevant field.
B. Start working full-time immediately

I have always kind of dreamed of moving to Japan, and looking at my options financially I think it would be possible depending on what job opportunities I can find. My main question here is: how feasible is this plan? Can I find either a full-time job for next September, or a part-time that pays enough alongside a master?
I heard from a friend that some Japanese companies will assist with visas and sometimes even provide you with housing upon employment, but I am unsure of this. Additionally, I would like to know around when I should be applying for my master/a job if I aim to start around September next year. Would anyone be able to help me out here?

\- How early should I apply for a master in Japan (Tokyo) starting September 2024?
\- How early should I apply for a full-time job in Japan (Tokyo) starting September 2024?
\- Is it normal for companies to assist with finding housing for internationals?


Sorry if this was worded wrong in some parts, I kind of did this on a fly in the middle of a huge japan-research session… haha, but I hope it’s at least partially comprehensible!

by Re_cuto

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