Proving Japanese family relation…DNA test between Japan & US


Disclaimer: I am currently working with a gyosei Shoshi for the Child of Japanese National Visa but looking for second opinions.

**Does anyone know an affordable DNA test that can be used for proving familial relation? The test needs to be able to be completed between Japan & US.**

My gyosei shoshi found a DNA company in Japan & quoted me the following:

\-Sibling Relationship test: JPY168,000-
(If your mother participates in the test, additional JPY13,200 will be incurred.)
\-Y-STR test: JPY88,000-
\-International certification: JPY40,000-
\[Total:JPY309,200- (in a case of three samples: you, your mother, and half-brother)\]
The DNA company in Japan can search and introduce to a U.S. agency to take my sample: at least JPY88,000. (This is only for search and introduction of the agency and does not include the fees of sample collection from you or delivery of sample from the U.S. to the Japanese agency. In the other words, the fees from the U.S. agency will be incurred additionally.)


FYI: I am aware of the requirement for being on the Koseki to get the visa. We are going to submit a package which includes the following and if it doesn’t get approved we will try to fight the Japanese immigration bureau in court. I will have:

1. Consular Report of Birth Abroad (CRBA) from when I was born in Japan with my fathers name on it.
2. A affidavit from my father to the US Embassy in Japan that I am my father’s son.
3. DNA test results proving DNA relation between my half-brother.

Also… if anyone has any recommendations for Japanese immigration attorneys who would fight in court in case we can’t get approved, that would also be appreciated.

by jjapanese

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