First time solo trip itinerary check (20M)!

Hey guys, have booked a flight back to Japan on the 28th of Jan to the 13th of Feb and would love some thoughts on my itinerary. For context, it’s my first time travelling solo and second time to Japan (was here early 2023). The trip will revolve around Hokkaido (Sapporo) and Fuji. For context, my first trip composed of the typical Tokyo, Sapporo, Osaka, Kyoto, Nara. I have also recently started street photography so it will likely be a large part of my trip as well.

My current 2 and a half weeks look like:

Sunday 28th (Tokyo)

Arrive around 6:30pm at Narita, head to hotel, eat and sleep, not much to say here.

Monday 29th (Tokyo)

Watch hunting, gonna look for some vintage stuff on this day, thinking of Ginza, Nanko broadway, Mizutani Camera in ueno, ochanomizu also for guitars in the afternoon.

Tuesday 30th (Tokyo → Sapporo)

Might head to ochnomizu in the morning if did not go the day before. If I did, will wake up and roam around asakusa as my hotel is around 5 mins away from it.

Leaving to new chitose from Narita at 2:30, arriving at Sapporo around 4:30. Likely not much planned today as Narita is quite far and the flight is relatively early. Would like to check out Chiba if there is time though. When I get to Sapporo, sign in and grab dinner at Jingisukan Daruma (lamb).

Wednesday 31st (Sapporo)

Skiing day, leaving in the morning and catching the shuttle to Kokusai resort, went there early feb this year with Klook’s rental bundle.

Thursday 1st (Sapporo)

Makomanai Takino Cemetery today to check out stone henge in Japan XD. Also, would love to know if anyone has had experience with public transit to this place, google maps says it’s not too bad but would love to know how it was firsthand. As this will likely take up most of the day in terms of transit and picture taking, it is the only main event I have planned. A chill day after a day of skiing.

Friday 2nd (Sapporo → Otaru)

Going to Otaru today in the morning after getting my Hokkaido rail pass. Drop off bags at hotel once I arrive around 10-11am. Will then take a walk about sakaimachi street, glass workshops, music box. Then will grab lunch and go check in around 2pm. Will likely relax/take a bath until around 4pm where I will head out again for some photography. Dinner booked at Otaru Masazushi main store.

Saturday 3rd (Otaru → Noboribetsu)

Travel to Noboribetsu in the morning, big day of travel as its quite a journey down to Noboribetsu. Check out around 8-9am and around a 3hr trip down to noboribetsu. Arrive around 12amisha drop off bags to go to hell’s valley. Spend around 1hr there (?) and grab lunch afterwards. Then go back and check in to hotel before heading down to Yuzawa shrine later in the evening.

Sunday 4th (Noboribetsu → Sapporo)

Wake up a bit early to go to oyunuma natural footbath, then head back and check out around 10am. Then go back to sapporo and drop baggs off at capsual hotel. Go and check out the snow festival in odori park at night time.

Monday 5th (Sapporo)

Snow festival at day time first thing in the morning. Then head down to hokkaido Jingu. Roam around, get lunch before going to Fushimi inari hokkaido. Head back in the afternoon and rest.

Tuesday 6th (Sapporo → Tokyo)

Not too sure about the final day in Sapporo yet, would love some suggestions for either a mini day trip or temples/shrines you particularly enjoyed in the area. Thinking of going to shiori koibito park but afraid that it might be too far of a trip for not too much (going off of the photos). Late Arrival in Narita Airport, Tokyo at around 10:30pm.

Wednesday 7th (Tokyo → Fuji)

Going from Tokyo to Fujikawaguchiko in the morning after Tokyo check out. After arrival, leave my bags with the hotel and head to the lake. A walk to fuji panoramic ropeway afterwards (praying for decent weather). Then will likely take it easy for the rest of the day, thinking of rental a bike also but again, largely depends on if I can see Fuji or not -\_-.

Thursday 8th (Fuji)

Go to Oshino Hakkai in the morning, arrive around 11am. Roam around, take photos and have lunch. Will then take a early trip back for the gargantuan trip that will happen tommorow.

Friday 9th (Fuji → Kusatsu)

Big trip from Fuji to Kusatsu. Would love to know if anybody has made this trip before using public transit and if it was an easy experience. Am a bit scared with all the bus changes but I think it should be alright as most of this day will be dedicated to getting to Kusatsu. Leaving at 5am to get the first bus/train, if all goes to plan, I should be in Kusatsu around 1pm. Check in after I arrive (if i make it in one piece) then go to Yubatake. Then dinner followed by Sainokawara park as my hotel is very close to it.

Saturday 10th (Kusatsu)

Relaxing at Kusatsu, checking out the city and roaming around. Some coffee stores i’d like to check out and maybe get some beans from. Thinking of going to Kosenji temple around 11am then Yamario for lunch. Will head to Ohtaki no yu hotspring in the afternoon.

Sunday 11th (Kusatsu → Tokyo)

Heading back from Kusatsu to Tokyo, after check in, head to Meji and roam around Harajuku. Staying around the akihabara region so will likely look at some camera lenses as well.

Monday 12th (Tokyo)

Thinking specialty coffee stores and grabs some beans for the trip home, Gibli Cafe with the cream puffs. Would like a trip to Chiba for the train photos. Shibuya sky either today or tomorrow if the weather is good as the last time I went the roof was closed because it was raining…

Tuesday 13th (Tokyo)

Heading to Narita at 9pm, might just revisit some key locations. Asakusa, Shibuya, but most likely a shopping day. Might go to the Starbucks roastery. and the national art museum.

Well, that’s my rough Itinerary. Would love to hear some stories regarding public transit to some of the more rural areas. Thanks for your help!

by _-_-_-____-

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