Is this plan crazy?

Background info:
I’ve been learning Japanese for a year and I’m at A2-2 level right now. During this year, I have met many Japanese exchange students who I could talk to during tandems and other activities through University. Thus I could practice speaking and talking Japanaese \*a lot\*. It’s also where I met my Japanese girlfriend, who now moved back to Japan. I recently graduated (computer science) and now have a fairly well paying job. I still attend my japanese classes and meet Japanese students. I spent August in Japan for language school.
With this background information in mind, do you think it would be crazy to aim moving to Japan for a 5 year working visa in winter next year? I’m still young (23 right now) and want to try it out before I get to comfortable in my daily routines. What, aside from improving my Japanese, should I be aware of?

by burneracc826484

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