Japanese teacher wants me to apply to a Japanese university with an English program?

I’ve taken Japanese for 3 years at an American highschool, I have the foundationals of Japanese down but can barely hold a simple conversation so id just about have to do an English program.
I’ve looked at the international programs of some schools she recommended but im not its very up to date, (she moved to the us in the late 90s early 2000s)

Some of the ones she recommended were sophia university, hiroshima university and Tokyo international. All of these look very difficult to get into however, im above average but only slightly with a 3.7 weighted gpa and 1180 SAT (top 30% roughly). I thought it would be very difficult to get into a foreign university so I never looked at it very hard.

I can’t really find anything on what these colleges expect and I don’t really have a way to take any Japanese entrance exams. What would be some decently easy schools to get into?

Sorry this is sort of rambling i wrote it on my phone but I can provide additional info if it would help.

Also keep in mind I’ve never considered studying abroad and only researched vaguely for the last 2 days so I may be missing something obvious

by fenceingmadman

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