まで versus までに

I don’t really understand why certain sentences are using まで and other sentences use までに. Could someone shine light on the 文法 rule on why these 3 example sentences are right and why they are wrong?

**Example 1**

Right: 毎朝7時までに起きます。

Wrong: 毎朝7時まで起きます。

**Example 2**

Right: 毎朝7時まで寝ています。

Wrong: 毎朝7時までに寝ています。

**Example 3**

Right: 夜の1時まで起きるつもりだったのに、寝てしまった。

Wrong: 夜の1時までに起きるつもりだったのに、寝てしまった。 

Wrong: 夜の1時まで起きているつもりだったのに、寝てしまった。

  1. With まで it is a continuation to that point of time, but までに means that you do something until that time. Not continuously. So in the first example, you cannot be waking up continuously, but wake up once before 7 the latest.
    But in the second you’re sleeping constantly up to that point.
    And in the last one if I’m not mistaken it is understood that you you were going to stay awake until then, so it continuous, not like the first one where the meaning is get up.

  2. までに by (a certain time)
    まで is until

    For example….

    Even though i studied until midnight, i failed my exam.

    I have an important test today so even though i went to sleep at 12, i have to wake up by 6.

    I have to wake up BY ____am. までに
    I stayed up until ____am. まで

    朝5時までに起きないといけない。i have to wake up by 5am.
    夜中までおきていた。i stayed up until midnight.

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