Process of Going from Full-Time Employee to Freelancer

Hi all. I’m planning to go from a full-time employee to becoming a freelancer in the near future and have been doing a lot of research on the topic, but I want to make sure I fully understand the steps I need to take in order to do so.

My plan is to quit my current company and work for them as a freelancer. They’ll be my primary source of income, but I plan to supplement my earnings by working for other companies as well. I was told that it’s possible to stay on shakai hoken with the company since I’ve worked for them for over six months, so I’m planning to do that until I have to switch to NHI and national pension.

As far as I’m aware, this is what I should do after quitting my company:

* Notify Immigration of my change in employer
* Apply to open a sole proprietorship
* Apply for the blue tax return
* Apply to stay on company’s shakai hoken, then switch to NHI and national pension after two years
* Question: If I continue to work for the company long-term as a freelancer, is it possible to continue staying on shakai hoken indefinitely, or is the two-year limit final?
* Register as a qualified invoice issuer
* Question: Do the pros of applying to be a qualified invoice issuer ultimately outweigh the cons if I’m probably not going to make anywhere near Â¥10 mil a year? I’m not exactly sure what this is about, to be honest.

Am I missing anything on the list, or are there any additional things I should do to ensure a smooth transition? I’d appreciate any advice and insight!

by _barelytea

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