Manga recommendations – N2 level

Hi all, I’m just about to make an order on Honto (via Buyee), and thought I’d see if there’s any manga I can add to the order to make the shipping more worthwhile (and also because, obviously, I quite enjoy manga!). Also, generally interested to hear what other learners are reading and finding worthwhile!

My level is roughly N2 (passed it, but ages ago so a fairly rusty!); other mangas have recently read in Japanese are for example:

– ふらいんぐウイッチ – really enjoying the cozy & magical vibes, and deffo adding the latest volume to my order! It’s also about the language level I’m comfortable with – enough new vocab to learn something new, but not too much to not be able to understand from context anyway when I invariably get too lazy to pull up the trusty ol’ jisho app

- Paradise Kiss. This one’s definitely more of a challenge and I haven’t actually finished it in Japanese yet, but love the story and would like to invest more time into it, or anything at similar sort of language level, assuming I find the story interesting enough to keep going

Other manga I’ve enjoyed (in English): One Piece, Witch Hat Atelier (latest volume in Japanese is in my shopping cart already)

Any ideas for other cute/cozy/witchy/adventurous manga welcome!

by FionaTheHobbit

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