Hello, I’m new to watching NJPW and have a few questions about NJPW World

I bought NJPW World for the month to watch Wrestle Kingdom after not really watching NJPW in about 5 or 6 years (last time I watched was with my grandfather in 2018 since he would just turn it on back when it was on axs sometimes).

I decided to go back and watch the Okada vs Omega series of matches since I have the service for the month, but I can’t seem to find the show where Okada vs Omega 3 is on. I tried searching for it with “g1 tag 2017” “g1 climax 2017 tag” and more but I just can’t find it. Is it just not on NJPW World anymore or am I just being stupid?

by SirMurfington

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