Ibushi’s medical opinions may have retired him (article)

TLDR; Ibushi’s misguided beliefs about science based medicine and physiology may have ended his career


Ibushi has long been known to talk about his body’s healing strength and it has worked for a very long time even with his ridiculous stunts. After getting injured in the G1 many years ago he has never made a full return and has even talked about have multiple setbacks along the way, with his most recent Marafuji match being the ultimate setback.

Most wrestlers rely on modern science based medicine to keep them going. There is a LOT of money keeping athletes healthy and a lot of that money has gone into advanced research and technology in repairing many different types of muscle and bone failures. Most wrestlers opt to get surgery with a major injury which requires months of physical therapy and working back to your previous skills. Some wrestlers forego surgery for many reasons – sometimes they have a match or series of matches they don’t want to avoid, there could be championship implications – and sometimes they have personal beliefs that wont let them get surgery.

On top of this Wrestling and sports in general is rife with superstition not only for performance but also for physical maintenance. Many wrestlers resort to essentially ineffective treatments to affect their body. Cupping is very common as you can see the circular marks on wrestlers backs. Many of these same wrestlers reach out to Chiropractors whose work is mostly nonsensical (except possibly for one use). Chiropractors, cupping therapists, acupuncturists, and herbalists are NOT doctors. The reason it’s called alternative medicine is because it is either untested or just doesn’t work.

Recently Ibushi had a disasterous match. Some called it hard to watch. After the match he went backstage alone and called an ambulance. He could no longer rely on alternative medicine and science based medicine had to come to the rescue. Since then he has said that he was scammed by a large company called C5 .After some research I found a ‘functional medicine’ company called 5C . 5C offers Hyperbaric Oxygen, LED Light Therapy, Growth Factor Treatments, Neurocognitive Performance, \*Non-Surgical Join Restoration\*, Wound Care and more. The company has many doctors on board but it offers many ‘alternative medicine’ modalities that have pretty much proven to be useless. Ibushi said C5 and this company is called 5C so I could be completely wrong.I don’t have any definite proof or evidence of anything, but I also don’t think my claim is extraordinary.

Even if Ibushi never went to 5C and C5 is a totally different thing. I still think his pseudoscientific ideas about his body healing itself and not getting surgery are not good for him. At this point it might be the last time we see him wrestle again. Imagine if he would have gotten immediate shoulder surgery and rehabbed it.

by migrations_

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