Should I apply to teaching English Japan?

I hope this is the right place to post something like this.

I do love Japanese culture but I do think I come from the standpoint as an anime weeb haha. That’s where I’ve learned most things about the culture. I do like Japanese film as well and took a course on it. I love film analysis and know of Kurosawa, Ozu, etc.

Im going to have to say, however, that I’m at a loss of life right now. I’m looking for a new job and tech industry job markets are bad right now in the U.S. That’s where I’d ideally like to work. But I was thinking what if I taught English in Japan.

It probably going to be part of an escape job.. or maybe like a gap year.. but I do think it’s an awesome opportunity to teach kids/teens/young adult. There’s transferable skills that can translate to work.. but not necessarily skills I need for my job so that’s a downside but is a real life experience. It could be a personal growth experience for me.

But I’m not sure if this is the right way to go. I’m thinking teaching one is year fine. I’m not too worried about the salary.. I just need enough to pay bills. I’ve looked into the JET program too.

My Japan level is low too. I would learn conversational Japanese but I feel like learning the language isn’t a high interest for me as it is for other people studying it. Personally I just think I’m bad at learning languages. I think it’s cool though.

Any thoughts? Should I apply to the English teaching programs?

by Mobile-Sun

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