“hesitant” about wanikani

i’ve never known how to approach learning kanji and i’ve seen wanikani being recommended or mentioned pretty often, in the FAQ too, so i decided to try it out and bought a subscription.

but i don’t understand how that would help me in any way? they just teach me the on’yomi, while most of their vocabulary consists of kun’yomi readings. i want to “go with the flow” and trust the process but i keep having doubts that me putting effort into wanikani’s way of teaching will be a waste of time. i don’t have any other resources to learn kanji, except for maybe 200 flashcards but that’s way too little. kanjidamage doesn’t suit me either, i don’t really like the randomness of it. i tried to look for anki decks but they ones i found are so hard to navigate through that i just keep coming back to wanikani as it’s the most clear one.

i’m lost. i don’t know what to stick to. i really love the language and i want to commit to it but i’m getting discouraged so easily by the kanji. where should i learn it from? should i just buy some book?

  1. They teach the kun’yomi as well. Give it some time. Personally, I find that whatever I learn from Wanikani sticks better in mind than other ways including Anki and Quizlet.

  2. “they just teach me the on’yomi while most of their vocabulary consists of kun’yomi”

    Well that’s the whole point. Learning all the readings of a kanji at once is an exercise in frustration and ridiculous to try to retain. The benefit of the WK approach is you learn readings as they become relevant to you and you associate them with the words they’re used in.

  3. I love wk because:

    >I don’t have the patience to set up my own anki, with my own stories, and then there’s the audio problem.

    Wk just does the job amazingly well. But you should not just rely on it. You need to read, watch videos, learn grammar etc. I have so much fun reading now because of how much I’ve learned with wk. I can guarantee you that wk is the complete opposite of a waste of time.

    Try out the first 3 free levels and you’ll see how much of a difference it makes in the knowledge you’ll attain. 🙂

    *Edit*: Lol I see that you bought a subscription already. Well honestly, there’s no downside. I bought lifetime because it’s a one time pay and totally worth it. You can go at your own pace. I suggest you use the [community](https://community.wanikani.com/) for questions and to have a good time with other stuff that people post.

    It really is a great thing to have such a large helpful community along the way.

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