Quick overnight stay in Osaka recommendations?

Hey all,

So I live in Kyoto right on the Hankyu line and can get to Osaka pretty easy – I want to go to some late night events / gigs / performances that will end after last train (11pm I think) – what would be the best / cheapest last minute accommodation relatively central?

Capsule hotel jumps to mind but damn them early morning alarms suck haha

Any suggestions? Thank you In advance

by tokyosoundsystem

  1. Where in Kyoto on the Hankyu Line does one have to live that the last train is 11pm….? Arashiyama is the only place I can think of. Last train to Kyoto is 11:45 pm.

    If you want cheap and easy, capsules are the only choice. With the return of tourism, most places are full and expensive

  2. What part of Osaka? Love hotels probably are a good option for last minute relatively affordable accommodation.

    Or a 24 hr coffee shop could be an option.

  3. If there is a JR Station close to your event I’m sure you can arrive to Kyoto Station around 1 am (last trains in Osaka Station well past midnight until 0:30 am) and just pick a taxi from there or some walking home o/

    I don’t see the need to stay in Osaka unless you really wanted to or wanted to stay late after the event.

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