Working Holiday worth it?

Hey everyone!

I’m seriously considering applying for a WH Visa next year. It would be my last chance, due to being quite close to age limit, so I want to gather more information from people who may have done it in the past.

I have a Bachelor’s degree and I possess an intermediate level of Japanese (JLPT N2), so I suppose that could help me a little in my stay there.

My main two goals would be improving my Japanese (I feel my speaking part is lacking) and to get to know the country and the culture (I’d love to visit many cities and places in Japan).

That said, I have some worries that, well, worry me:

For example, how difficult is finding a job there as a foreigner? (I’d prefer if possible not teaching English).

How difficult is finding a place to stay?

I know they request some sort of schedule to be submitted for your stay there, but is it possible to stay in a place some months then go from there to multiple cities and if the need arises then change your “headquarters” to another city? (as I would like to travel to many places in the island)

Do you have any other tips or recommendations for a first timer in a WH Visa?

Thanks for reading!

by Honyakusha-san

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