Anti-NHK party leader Takashi Tachibana espouses eugenics-like belief during Sunday debate program: “We must not increase the number of poor-quality children.” (Japanese article)

Anti-NHK party leader Takashi Tachibana espouses eugenics-like belief during Sunday debate program: “We must not increase the number of poor-quality children.” (Japanese article)

  1. [[Video of his statement]](

    **Article Translation:**

    > On July 3, one week before the opening of the Upper House election, the leaders of nine parties appeared on NHK’s “Sunday Debate” program to discuss issues such as the response to the Ukrainian crisis and the realization of wage increases.
    > During the discussion, NHK Party leader Takashi Tachibana stated, “Social security is not good enough if we end up increasing the number of poor-quality children.
    > We must increase the number of talented children who will pay taxes in the future.”
    > When asked by the moderator about specific measures to realize childcare support and education budget, Mr. Tachibana replied, “First of all, it is not enough to increase the number of children, but it is a matter of the quality of children. We must make sure that the children of so-called smart parents are born. It is the same with thoroughbreds; the children of fast horses are fast. The children of professional baseball players are also usually good at professional baseball.”
    > He continued, “We, the NHK Party, will first provide 10 million yen to women who give birth to a child, and this is only for the first child. We would like women who work hard and pay taxes to take a break from their jobs and concentrate on childbirth and childcare.”
    > Tachibana added, “For the purpose of social security, ultimately the number of poor-quality children must not be allowed to increase. I believe that increasing the number of excellent children who will pay taxes in the future will prevent the decline of national power and ultimately protect the weak.”
    > Tachibana’s statement to the effect that superiority or inferiority is determined by whether or not a person pays taxes has been met with a flurry of critical comments such as, “This is eugenic thinking.”

  2. The whole thing is disgusting. The comparison with horse is wow.

    Holy shit it’s 2022, right ?

  3. It’s a short step from opposing public broadcasting to eugenics. Much shorter than I expected.

  4. He should check himself first. With a head like that and the color choices for his suit I doubt he has 46 chromosomes.

  5. He takes the anti-NHK movement backwards.

    If you have a one issue political party, stick to the one issue.

  6. Ignore him. He’s just proof that democracy is alive and even crazy people are allowed to run for office

  7. The LDP is criticised for being right-wing, but the other parties are much worse than the LDP. That’s why the LDP wins every time.

  8. Hate spoken calmly in a suit, backed by the authority of a party, is not less hateful. Bigots are trash people, no matter where they shop.

  9. People that say shit like this ALWAYS look like they should’ve been the ones that got aborted.

  10. Considering the current population crisis, advocating for any *less* children doesn’t sounds like a very… *intelligent* plan…

  11. What’s the over/under on this worthless piece of shit being willing to volunteer his genetic line as a sacrifice to see this policy actually become a thing?

  12. Been living in Japan on and off since ’91 and I keep warning that Japan’s ruling class is seriously pushing a lurching to the extreme right. They shift the Overton Window slowly but surely. A guy like this would have been shut down by the Japanese media instantly back in the day. It’s all about fostering the mentality of the purity of the Imperial bloodline and other such BS like when Takaichi made vague ruminations about the glory of 126 generations of perfect DNA ancestry.

    EDIT: For reference…

  13. “Poor quality children” so what is he high quality?
    Ain’t no way his ugly Jabba The Hut looking ass is high quality.
    So whatever he thinks is high quality clearly ain’t working out for him.

  14. Wait? Anti-NHK? So like… the NHK guy wouldn’t show up to my house to interrogate me anymore. Woah woah, wait a minute guys, let’s hear him out.

  15. Well in English it’s Anti NHK party, but the actual name is “protect the citizen from the NHK” gives it a better nuance of what kinds of Nutters they are. Might just be on the same level as the “Corona is just a common flu” guy.

  16. I’m glad you posted this. My husband’s been following Tachibana for years through his YouTube content and supports him. I had no idea Tachibana had said things like this. I’ll ask him about it today.

  17. Ishin is going to have to raise their crazy to the next level to stay competitive.

  18. Just because two “smart” people have kids, doesn’t guarantee those kids will be smart as well.

  19. Pretty sure Japan isn’t in a position to be choosy about what their Children are like, even if we were In a world where eugenics wasn’t awful.

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