Should I buy an apartment now or later?

I’m in my 6th year in Japan. I still got 4 years until PR, so I decided to start my research now because I have no experience in real estate.

My whole 6 years I’ve been living in the same apartment because I find it to actually be my dream location and been reluctant to change that, even though I’m living in a tiny space but I’ve learnt to appreciate what I have. The problem is ideally I’d like to buy an apartment around the same location as me, but as of now my current budget is too low to afford an apartment in my area with my conditions (defs want to live in a 2LDK one day lol).

Currently I’m exploring 3 options but I’m not sure which would be best for my situation

1. Wait, work hard and save up for 4 years until I have PR and buy my apartment then
– I’m currently spending 93,300 a month for rent, I’ve calculated for 10 years that means 1100万+ spent on rent.

2. Buy an apartment within my current budget and rent it out while I live in my current rented apart (because of location)
– Not sure if this is a good idea because I’ll still be spending on rent + I heard rent income is not worth it?

3. Just buy a apartment now, put up with the location change and later down the line potentially sell the apartment for an upgrade.
– I just really don’t want to give up my location lol.

I would appreciate any insight, thanks in advance!

More of my situation:
– Single, late 20s, no family
– my current rent takes about 7% and been so for a year, but without my freelance income it can go up to 30%.

by confusedgrey

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