Consultant move to Tokyo

Hi everyone.

I couldn’t find anything similar to me, so posting the question.

I’m 36, male, married with 2 cats, no human kids 🙂

I’ve been an accountant for 13 years, a consultant for 10 of those and a company CEO for 2 of those. I don’t have a masters but do have a degree and accounting qualification. I work for companies I own in part or totally.

I’m considering a move to Japan for a couple of years. I’ve always wanted to but career and life didn’t allow when I was younger. Now I’ve got a lot more freedom and money. My firm is totally remote and my board positions are also remote post- Covid. When I need to be at annual meetings, I can fly back.

My question is, I don’t want a job in Japan, I just want to live there. I want to enjoy the culture, the cities and countryside and potentially build a network for business but this is secondary. Can I do this?

I did this in Bangkok and then Chiang Mai a few years back, and also Melbourne before that but now I’m a cat dad, over 30, married and wife doesn’t earn much, and can’t live in share houses (although I totally would if on my own). I’ve read up on the pet immigration rules and while complex, isn’t un-achievable.

But I won’t be earning anything “in” Japan, unlikely to contribute to the economy in taxes, but will do in rent and spending. We don’t expect to need the state for anything except maybe emergency healthcare. Regular healthcare can be done privately. And we are British so if it doesn’t work out or I feel we are taking more than giving, we can go back or I can look at expanding the business to Japan.

So, basically, am I allowed to do this and what are your thoughts?

by Intelligent-Welder-2

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