Finding jobs in tech and other opportunities

Hey everyone, been lurking the sub for a while but haven’t seen what I was looking for, so I guess its time to ask.

I really want to move to Japan. Been looking into the culture since I was 7 (In late 20s now) and have decided I want to try living there. Work isn’t the most fulfilling thing in the world and I’m looking to make a change in my life, and I figured that Japan would be a good experience. Ive loved learning about the good, bad, and ugly about the country and so I’m willing to take the dive. The only issue is finding a job. I work in a data center as a technician for a large corporation and I can also do basic cloud software work. Theres a place I was looking to work at but due to the economy being bad and the company tightening up on its hiring, they might not open new positions out in Japan like they thought.
I still don’t speak the language (reading at N5, can speak a few words, understand a little more) But I have been studying when I can. I know you can get a better job if you are at N1/2 level so I’ve been considering taking language classes stateside, or just taking a school out in Japan and going for a year or two to get the language and then get a job once I reach a good enough level. Ive even looked into becoming an ALT (although that doesn’t sound great as I’ve already started a career). I’ve been mulling this over for almost a year now and so far no one has managed to talk me out of it, so I’ve gotta do something.

Basically I’m getting desperate to make a move and have decided on Japan, but its been rough finding a job that requires low Japanese. Should I wait till next year for a potential job or look elsewhere? Does anyone here know any good places to look? If not, should I be willing to just take a leap and go to a school? Just looking for opinions. Ill probably stew on this for a while regardless.

by Magnus_Mainer

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