Cultural Activities Visa and living support

Hello everyone,

I‘ll change to a cultural activities visa soon to do an internship. However, I aim to work at a foreign company that usually pays full-time interns around 160,000 per month. I know that I am not allowed to earn any salary during my internship but living support is acceptable. People previously on my program received 40,000 yen per month as living support and they think that that is the maximum they are allowed to receive without causing issues with their visa status but nobody could tell me any source on where to find that information and I also didn’t find anything googling. It is just passed down as common knowledge each year. Does anybody know what the actual maximum common living support that people on a cultural activities visa are on is and could point me to the source please? Or maybe someone can talk of their own experience.

I‘d appreciate any information on the topic.

Thanks in advance!

by MisoSupper

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