Japan has to do more for migrant rights than drop ‘intern’ label

Japan has to do more for migrant rights than drop ‘intern’ label

by demauroy

  1. Japan’s monarchy…

    When it comes to the monarchy of Japan, should the Heavenly Sovereign be an active Head of State and Commander-in-Chief as in an executive constitutional monarch who has the power to sign/veto legislation, declare war, and appoint justices in the Supreme Court?

    The same goes with China, who should also embrace an executive constitutional monarch who is both Head of State and Commander-in-Chief.

    This is to ensure actual separation of powers and to keep the National Diet in check.

  2. Canada should be a cautionary tale of what happens when you have mass migration. Funny how most countries that have followed so called progressive policies are struggling with addiction, homelessness, housing, and healthcare crisis. Japan’s downfall has been predicted for a long time now but it keeps doing well 🤷‍♂️

  3. Until this thread, I did not realise /r/Japan was an anti-immigrationy right wing sub. Huh, that’s kinda weird considering most of the users are either not related to Japan in any way or immigrants

  4. they have to fix their own problems so they won’t have to rely on taking in more foreigners; hope they don’t follow the trend that is destroying the west

  5. Damn the amount of racism here lol. To everyone worried, migrants with dificult access to the normal work force usually ends up working for less than minimun salary without access to regular public needs, so many of them end up working ilegally, even if originally arrived legally (like working holliday or just work visa in general). Over time, many of them end up being coerced into other lines of work (plain crime). Happened in my country, Narcos that used to run stuff withouth to much noise ended up picking up migrants in need and using them to exercise things they didn’t want to touch. Over time full narco groups started taking advantage of that to enter the country and do illegal business here. Migrant work actually works great if allowed to enter the workforce and society

  6. The government will do everything except help workers get better wages. Businesses want foreigners so they can mistreat them and pay them less. This drags wages down for everyone in the same industry. Why pay a citizen when you can pay a foreigner less? Then you can convince the citizen that the foreigner is the reason that the citizen is unemployed or works for less wages than they should be getting.

  7. This topic has just become an excuse for people to vent about what’s going on in their home countries. I couldn’t care less that Canada has problems with immigration. Yes immigration is cheap labour. Im sure Japanese people would be lining up for a career in the bento factories if they paid a living wage. We get it. No there probably won’t be a huge influx of brown or black people, especially seeing as immigrants here mostly come from SE Asia. So calm down folks you still have a safety country.

  8. Maybe I am understanding it wrong but isn’t this defeating the whole purpose?

    Like sure it would lead to better paying jobs in those fields and maybe make Japanese citizens go there, making it so that only highly-qualified foreigners come here for white-collar jobs. But isn’t that lowering the workforce overall?

    I thought forcing improvements was the way to go instead of all out quitting.

  9. In my experience with Japanese bureacracy, they prefer kicking the can down the road by changing labels and hoping the public gets duped into thinking the new name means the contents also changed.

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