Applying for spouse visa when I have not lived in Japan?

My wife (japanese national) and I have been a couple since 2014 and until corona I was visiting her 3 to 4 times every year. 3 months ago we got married. The reason for the long wait was that we both wanted to have enough working experience to ensure that we could live together without too many stability issues. We were also waiting for me to land a remote job so that I continue working for my current company in Sweden when I move to Japan.

We are now in the process of handling visa documents, but there is one thing that worries us.
It seems that one of the requirements of getting the visa is that we had to live together before applying, but I have never had a shared address with her in Japan because… well I don’t have a visa.

We can’t find many answers online, and we have been wondering if it would help to pay a lawyer to handle the application.
But before doing so I would like to hear if anyone here applied under similar circumstances?

As I said, we have been together for 10 years, so I have 10 years worth of images of us together, copy of every flight ticket, videos of me and her grandmother blessing our marriage etc.
Also after marriage I lived with my wife for 3 months, but have to go back to Europe now cause my tourist visa expires and I need to get back to work.

Is this gonna be a huge issue for us?

by West_Measurement9172

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