Could moving to japan solve at least few of my problems?


I am thinking about leaving my country since half a year. Currently I live in germany and I am working as a chef in a restaurant. money is OK, I have a flat and I can survive.

my main problem is politics, society and people. The younger people start to get aggressive and dismissive against older people. They ignore rules and are rude and even violent. drugs are everywhere. everyone is getting poorer and poorer. violence in public is happening more often. gangs and crime is rising, especially in cities. women are treating men like dogshit and men are talking shit over women. if you are rather conservative and think that some old things would have been nice to keep, you will get attacked verbally, accused of being a boomer and an admirer of hitler. wtf. So even if your opinion is just moderate, whenever you are not a total leftist, you should change your mind or die. Random junkies damage your car, just because they can. police can’t do anything.

Sorry for ranting, but I just feel like I don’t want to live here anymore. it is sad. In the past 4 years, I met only two guys who are nice and gentle people you would like to be around and got so many negative encounters with things mentioned above. random people who yelled at me, that they would punch me, if I don’t get away quick. coworkers selling drugs in the backyard. I don’t like such surroundings.

Everything I read it seems like Japan is a calm and regulated space and the people have much more respect for each other. Is this true? I really want to escape this hellhole.

by TextOk4573

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