NEVER do this at a Sushi Restaurant (I did once and regretted it)

NEVER do this at a Sushi Restaurant (I did once and regretted it)

NEVER do this at a Sushi Restaurant (I did once and regretted it) from JapaneseFood

  1. It’s gimmicky.

    Most sushi restaurants (in Japan) offer warm folded cloths in baskets after you’re seated, not before. They don’t have little plates normally used for tsukemono or shoyu already there with a compressed tablet of something you have to pour water over to wipe your hands. No wonder diners get confused. Pure laziness on the part of the restaurant and a mocking of clueless customers not onto this crap.

    No doubt, this is only at so-called “trendy” hip, over-priced sushi places. Us ole fogeys wouldn’t tolerate this.

  2. I am Japanese, but I have never seen wet tissue like this before.
    Maybe I would eat them too if I saw them lol.

  3. The first time I saw one of these, the waitress brought shot glasses of water along with them. I was thoroughly confused until my friend told me to drop the tablets in and watch.

    Then I started seeing them at 100 yen shops everywhere lol.

  4. Plot twist: if you eat at Tapas Molecular in Tokyo, they start by handing you what looks like a wet tissue, but it’s actually a snack.

  5. I’ve never seen this before in Japan. No wonder people ate it, thought he poured water and created a rice ball prefab. But the title is definitely misleading people into thinking this is something sushi restaurants in Japan have normally.

  6. We use these when we’re backpacking and/or camping. They’re fun to hydrate and they’re quite strong. (They don’t tear very easily)

  7. This is not bloody common at all and not all really a Japanese thing. I’ve never seen this once at a sushi place.

  8. I usually experienced the waiter handing you over a wet and nicely warm towel before eating

  9. I made the same mistake too…my wife reaction was like “im lucky i dint make the first move”. Lol i was starving at that time. I thought that was appetizer kind of marshmallow.

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