Nakasendo trail in April – possibly impossible itinerary advice please!

Hi – I’m in Japan in April and am planning to walk a few days of the trail. Even booking a few months ago accomodation was patchy and so I’m having to connect with bus/train more than I’d like. Woudl love to get any views on if what I’m planning is possible.

Day 1 – Travel from Kyoto to Magome, this seem pretty straightforward, train to Nagoya and then bus. We’re staying at the Nagatake Ryokan in Nakatsugawa, so looks like a 20min taxi after lunch and a wander in Magome

Day 2 – Head early to Magome and walk the trail to Tsumago, reaching there for lunch. Then catch a train to Kiso Fukishama to stay at the Kiso Mikawaya overnight

Day 3 – Train to Yabuhara to walk to the Narai Pass to, lucnh in Narai and train to Tolkyo

We’re travelling just with day bags but I can’t find any info about is this seems like a possible or sensible plan for us? Would LOVE any thought, advice, optimsations anyone migh have!

Thank you!

by NoTerm8134

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