The birthrate numbers are actually crazy.

The birthrate in Japan fell below 1 million for the first time in 2017, and this year it’s dropped below 750,000. This is nuts because Japan currently has a population of around 120 million. Also this year the amount of marriages dropped below 500,000, lowest since WW2

I think when you start to project outwards, let’s say 30 years, there will only be **750,000 30 year old Japanese people in 30 years**. I know that sounds kind of redundant to say, but I think it helps give perspective on how dire the situation with labor and economics will get. Let’s assume we see a continued decline of about 6% a year in birthrates until 2027 and project out 33 years.

In 2050 Japan will have:

40 year olds: 1 million

39 year olds: 960k

38 year olds: 930k

37 year olds: 900k

36 year olds: 860k

35 year olds: 830k

34 year olds: 790k

33 year olds: 750k

32 year olds: 720k

31 year olds: 700k

30 year olds: 680k

….Which means that Japan (not just Tokyo) will only have **8.2 million people between the ages of 30-40**. And of course, how many of these 8.2 million people will have children?

I’m starting to understand why politicians are looking at opening immigration to Japan. Of course this will permanently change Japan, perhaps irreversibly, since Japan’s uniqueness stems from the fact that 97% of citizens are ethnically Japanese… but these birthrate numbers seem truly frightening.

by HaileyBieberSmoothie

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