Taxes + Legal Stuff on a WHV

Hi everyone, I have the possibility of getting a Working Holiday Visa for Japan, and I got some doubts, but first some clarifications:

A) I’m the founder of a remote SaaS company from London, so I don’t really want to get a job in Japan but using foreign income from my company (salary,freelance, for my cown company or whatever), during my time there -ideally, 12 months-.

B) My initial idea is to get a long-term rental in Tokyo, but this looks a little bit complex for a WH Visa. Would love any tip here pls 🙂

Main doubts:

1. Can I open a bank account there? If not, what’s the best alternative solution?

2. Where do I have to pay my personal income taxes? (Japan or my home country, because based on the CFC rules I would have to pay taxes in Japan)

3. Can I receive income from abroad while living in Japan during my WH Visa? If yes, Shall I register in any japanese public organization to ?

4. Regarding foreign income, do you know some reliable Tax/Legal Advisor or Accountant based in Japan that can help me with all of this?

Pls, share any other tips or solutions related with the issues mentioned above if possible. Thanks in advance to everyone!

by Business_Visual5647

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