Closing a bank account w/ credit card issues

tl;dr what happens if a credit card company charges a balance to a closed bank account, and how do I pay off that balance?

I needed to close my bank account, but they seemed really wary about doing it when they saw I had credit card transactions on it. They eventually closed the account but said if the card charges again for March then there’ll be an issue, probably.

The thing is I cancelled my credit card in February. My credit card is the LINE Visa (by SMBC), and according to their site, when you cancel a credit card, it charges the whole balance to your bank immediately, which was reflected in my passbook and also my bank balance before I asked to close.

I’m sure I confirmed the amount before I cancelled the card, but I am unable to check as it appears my account for vpass was also cancelled when I did it.

What happens if I happen to have had a balance on that card and they charge for march later down the line? Support hasn’t been any help, and my ‘English support’ request has taken more than a week with no call.

Thanks for any advice!

by Gileotine

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