Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (March 02, 2024)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

by AutoModerator

  1. What’s the difference/nuance between ん, わけ、and もの? As far as I can tell, they’re all very similar function-wise, but もの expresses a feeling of common sense or something akin to “of course”

  2. How should I be implementing sentences into anki? I used to do them on the back but it was so time consuming and I’d never really pay attention to them anyway. Do sentences matter anyway?

  3. Context: Someone is making rice and wrapping seaweed around the rice

    > 調子に乗って五合いっぱい炊いてしまったが、半分ほどなくなってしまった。

    I don’t quite get this. I think it means “I got carried away [something] 5 full (cups?) cooked, half of it was gone.”

    I think I don’t get what 五合 does

  4. Looking for an ANKI deck that contains furigana at the front

    I’ve been learning for over a year now, and I realized that remembering the meaning of a word is easier than memorizing the kanji, so I want to explore memorizing the actual word rather than getting hung up on the kanji.

    If I had furigana at the front of the card then it would make it easier for me to memorize them!


    plz help meh

  5. Wondering about this:

    > 悪印象ですよ!やっぱり、もうちょっと時間を置いて

    > ええい、もどろっこしいな。

    Context: Someone has to see their boss, but doesn’t want to because they keep getting their proposals rejected.

    っこしいな makes no sense to me

    The rest is like,

    “It’s a bad impression! Give it more time”

  6. **Can someone help me understand what does ポヤついてる/ poyatsuiteru mean in this sentence ? A girlfriend said this to protagonist (i can only guess it mean “Indifferent” but not sure)**


  7. I’m taking the JFT-Basic (approx N4 level) in 8 days time. It’s much sooner than expected, but I’ll be in Japan for a wedding so it saves me making multiple trips provided I pass.

    I’m about half way through my decks (Moe N4 and Iridori A2) and there’s no way I’m going to finish them in time with my current settings of 40 new cards a day and 0.95 retention.

    I need to reconfigure my Anki settings in favour of exposing me to more new cards rather than focusing on high retention, in the hope that I’ll be able to figure out the meaning from the context of I’ve seen a word before even if I don’t have perfect recall on it.

    Any recommendations on some settings to at least get me exposed to the majority of the deck, even if my retention is still relatively low?

    I can realistically spend 8 hours/day for the next week.

    Thanks in madpanic 😅

  8. I read a manga and there’s a sentence i don’t understand much, appreciated if someone could help ! Fell free to correct my mistake o/

    A girl is yelling at her boyfriend:
    **悔しかったら一回やってみ。真剣になって生きてみ?ね? 男だったら目標持ってカッコよく生きてみろよ**

    (my guess : “If you feel frustrated because i’m yelling at you, why don’t you try it once. I mean try to live seriously ? Okay? If you’re a man, then set a goal in life and try to live cooly ! ” )

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