How many days can I stay in Japan after I finish my exams?

How many days can I stay in Japan after I finish my exams?

Hello everyone! I have a question about my student visa. I’ll go to Japan by the end of March and I plan to stay there for a short exchange program.

I already have my student visa, which expires after one year. The last day of my exams is set on August 7th and the I plan to leave the city where I’m staying to go to Tokyo to take my flight back. Can I stay for a few days to visit the city? No more than a week, because I want to come back home soon. I’m afraid there would be issue with the Immigration Bureau if I don’t leave the country as soon as possible. Is it necessary to change my visa for the days I want to visit Tokyo, even if they are a few?

Also, do you know if I can take short trips? Between the two quarters in my University there are a few days with no lessons, and I would like to to a short trip, before the new quarter start. Do you know if it’s possible?

Thank you for those who will answer! Have a good day 🙂

by idkitslau

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