Recommendations in Kyushu? (Fukuoka/Kumamoto/Kurokawa)

I’m travelling to Kyushu in mid-late April for 1 week with my wife and our infant son (will be 5 months old in April). We will be going to Fukuoka, Kurokawa, and Kumamoto. Given my son’s age, we are only really planning to do one sightseeing activity per day, since I’m not sure we (or he) would be able to handle too much more than that. We will be renting a car to get around Kyushu. I’d appreciate any recommendations or suggestions.

Currently, we are planning to do the following:

Sightseeing: Dazaifu Tenmangu
Food: Hakata Issou, Tempura Hirao
Looking for recommendations on:
* Which yatai should we go to?
* Any other sightseeing things that would be good?

Sightseeing: Mt. Aso, Kumamoto castle
Food: Kumamoto ramen somewhere, basashi somewhere
Looking for recommendations on:
* Where should we go in Mt. Aso? Currently thinking Daikanbo, maybe Kusasenri, maybe Aso Nakadake crater if it’s open, but not sure if there is somewhere we should definitely check out
* Is there anything else we should do in Kumamoto proper besides look at the castle?
* Where is a good place to try basashi?

Sightseeing: hanging out in the onsen, walking around town
Looking for recommendations on:
* Lunch spot to eat after we check out of our ryokan?

Thanks for any and all recommendations! We’re looking forward to our trip to Kyushu!

by bli

  1. For Fukuoka, Nokonoshima Island or Umionakamichi seaside park might be good – especially with your child.

    I’ve not been yet, but hoping to visit Noko Island when we are there.

  2. Fukuoka – Ohori Park. At night the lights are beautiful. The reclining Buddha at Nanzoin (30 min train ride). Tienjin underground shopping center. Kurokawa is quite small, so dining options aren’t many.

  3. So, I was just in Fukuoka in November, and I don’t think you are going to be able to fit in a yatai stand with a stroller. They’re extremely limited seating and very tight quarters. I would rethink this and maybe try some restaurants. Canal city has tons of nice places that will accommodate a family.

  4. So, I was just in Fukuoka in November, and I don’t think you are going to be able to fit in a yatai stand with a stroller. They’re extremely limited seating and very tight quarters. I would rethink this and maybe try some restaurants. Canal city has tons of nice places that will accommodate a family.

  5. I stayed in Kurokawa a few years back at Sanga Ryokan. They served a small plate with some basashi on it as part of the dinner set.

    As far as where to eat, we didn’t have a car so we were limited to what was immediately in the onsen area, there were only a couple of restaurants within walking distance and only one that was actually open during our stay. It might be worth packing some snacks as a just in case kind of thing if nothing is open.

  6. Kokinchan is a nice yatai if you’re only going to do one, but last time I was there, there was a line. I don’t know how an infant will do in the line or indeed in the tight quarters of most yatai.

    Obviously I don’t know your circumstances, but if it were me, I’d be asking the child’s grandparent or uncle to babysit for a week during this trip. It isn’t like the infant will remember going, and you’ll be so much more free to actually go on the trip.

  7. I’m currently in Kumamoto. I visited the amazing castle two days ago and although there are elevators, it is still a long walk just to get to the castle and the elevators, and inside the castle may be pretty tight fitting with a stroller and the visitors.

    Despite this, have fun in Kumamoto! Tip: there many restaurants in and around the Kumamoto Station.

  8. Planning a 3-day/2-night Kyushu roadtrip in mid-May, from Nagasaki down to Kagoshima.
    Not sure we’ll end up hitting all of them, but these are the attractions we are most interested in seeing along the way:

    -Yutoku Inari Shrine

    -Porcelain Cafe in Arita


    -Beppu 7 hells

    -Mt Aso

    -Kumamoto Castle

    -Horse meat restaurant (was looking at a place called Kenzo in Kumamoto)

    -Nagabeta Seabed Road

    -Kirishima Kinkowan National Park

    With Ryokans booked in Yufuin and Kurokawa

  9. Kurokawa is a very small village. rather than staying there for lunch, perhaps you want to leave for Kumamoto after the morning walk there, and find a restaurant near Mt ASO?

  10. There were barely any restaurants open for lunch in Kurokawa Onsen when I was there last November. I had the beef bowl at this place called Warokuya – not bad, but you won’t have many other options.

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