Weather in Okinawa this Monday-Wednesday

Hello! Is Okinawa worth traveling to with bad predicted weather? As someone who really just wanted to lay out and tan, swim, and snorkel….

I have plans to go to Okinawa (Zamami) this upcoming Monday and staying until Wednesday. It’s a short time, as I’ll be flying from Osaka and just wanted a little island time. The projected weather doesn’t look so great… rain and lightning from 40-70% likely those days as well as the days before and after. Is it still worth it to go? Or should I just cancel that part of my trip?

Oh, and with this weather, how do the ferries and flights usually go? Are they often delayed or canceled? I unfortunately have a plane back to the US the day I leave the island, so my connection time is tight.

Thank you!!

by AyyYahuasca

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