Student Visa Questions

Hi everyone! Not sure if this is where I post this, so sorry in advance.

I plan on attending a Language School, in Fukuoka come October.

However, my palms start sweating every time I go back to finish the visa application so I am seeking some assistance… or more like reassurance. lol

I have a few questions about the income requirements and a few other things.

I have a job (salaried) that I have worked at since January 2023. In my account when submitting my application I will have roughly 2.6 million yen (a little over $17.5k). I have moved back home after graduating grad school so my bills will be A LOT less than before giving me a chance to save. Now, with just my salary I will have about $12k, and this year I get my bonus, which will give me the additional funds to total about 2.6 million yen. (so about 6k on top of my savings)

I plan on attaching my bank statements for the last few months to show I actively add money in my savings account every check AND also plan to attach all income statements from my job to show I have made consistent income and will continue doing so post application being submitted.


1. Will that suffice for immigration? People are scaring me in these subreddits lol

Let’s say all goes well, and it works out. I’ll have an additional 12-14k saved prior to my estimated departure date. So after tuition is paid (about $10k), and other expenses. I’ll have roughly like 17k left.

2. Is that enough to live off of? For at least the first few months?

Im sure eventually I’ll need a part-time job but I also want to give myself time to really know the area and enjoy Japan.

I’ll also have my 401k money as back up (emergency fund if you will) which will have about 4k.

3. I saw something about a medical certificate, can someone explain what that is? I mean I get my yearly physical every year, is there more I need to do this year for immigration?

I want to also side note I budget… strictly.. it helps keep me sane. (Planners, spreadsheets, color coded… I wish I was kidding)

I am aware I can only get estimates of what some people spend in Japan and kind of mix that in for what I THINK I might spend.

4. Does anyone else have any suggestions on budgeting smartly in Japan?

5. For a part time job, if immigration approves it. Is that only applicable to jobs in Japan? Would that allow remote work from the US? Even then, I’m not looking to work the full 28 hours, unless I NEED to.

6. Any other helpful tips? Student visa experiences?

Thank you in advance all for your help! 😊

by Current-Repeat-5780

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