G1 Climax 32 Standings After Night 7

G1 Climax 32 Standings After Night 7

  1. 7 nights in, I really don’t like this structure. I’d rather have 2 blocks of 12 or something instead of this format. Thanks for posting this, it helps.

  2. Alright I admit it; I very much appreciate the post but I can’t figure out what I’m looking at or who is in the lead lol

    I’m very bad at this kind of thing please forgive my ignorance.

  3. B Block is interesting. White already beat SANADA and Ishii. Tonga already lost. So. Either Tonga has to win out (eliminating Sanada) or White has to lose a match before the final night, or both B block matches on the final night will be meaningless. So does White lose any of his next 3 before the final night? If not, Tonga would seemingly have to win out as they’re not going to have 2 meaningless matches on the final night I wouldn’t think.

  4. First off: gods work divining these brackets, but I hate the way they scheduled it this year, some wrestle three times in five days, others have 12 consecutive days off in a row, it makes a leader board nonsense to make real heads or tails of because at this point some wrestles have 200% more matches than others

  5. Mannnn what happened to SANADA.. homie was on a roll and I really expected him to be close to the top…

  6. Gonna go through and list my Top 3 most likely block winners with an asterisk on who I’m rooting for as a fan.

    **A: Okada, Cobb, Lawlor***

    Nothing too complex here, I think it’ll probably come down to winner of Lawlor/Cobb advancing if Okada loses or goes to a draw with Archer. Interesting tiebreaker potential if Cobb beats Lawlor but Okada loses to Lawlor and one other person.

    **B: SANADA, White, Taichi***

    Probably the hardest to call of the four. O-Khan is a major wildcard and SANADA not having the tiebreaker over White makes it tough to put him on the list because, in all likelihood, if he loses another match he’s out. On paper, Jay has the win over his two strongest opponents and should be fairly comfortable going forward, but there’s definitely room for things to go sideways. Taichi is my dark horse pick, but I’ll be the first to admit there’ll need to be some major point chicanery for this to happen while keeping Jay alive on the final night and also not having Taichi eliminated via tiebreaker with SANADA. I’m gonna make the prediction that Jay White and Taichi go to a draw in the Night 16 Main Event.

    **C: ZSJ*, Naito, EVIL**

    Following my heart for C Block. It’s kinda wild to put 0-2 Naito over 2-0 Goto, but Naito’s just that “against all odds” kinda guy to the point that I think he has to at least be alive on the final night. ZSJ has the roughest remaining opponents, but he seems like the main character of the block to me and I just can’t count him out. EVIL’s like a bad smell you just can’t get rid of, but he has a win over 4th person contesting the spot in KENTA who himself has a loss to ZSJ.

    **D: Ospreay, Shingo*, ELP**

    Ospreay or Shingo is a coinflip, which is interesting because they face relatively early in the tournament and face the rest of their opponents in opposite order. I locked in ELP as the distant 3rd most likely choice because I think he’s being set up as Bullet Club’s #2 Heavyweight behind Jay, and should there be a sudden Bullet Club-esque “change in management” he seems like the prime candidate barring any new additions.

  7. I haven’t watched NJPW in a long time.. Can anyone explain why there is 4 blocks and not the usual 2?

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