Is the ‘3DS’ Kanji Kentei Nintendo app any better than the previous ones?

This one – [\_1\_1?crid=112T1UA1RXFKS&keywords=3ds+kanji&qid=1649490209&sprefix=3ds+kanji%2Caps%2C332&sr=8-1]( is supposed to be optimised for the 3D DS but not sure if it’s any more useful than the Kanken3 that I had previously? (which would be this one: [\_au&gclid=CjwKCAjw3cSSBhBGEiwAVII0Z1HlkJWnUxP8jHD0QGN5gXvaZOVSBz4aSN1-iJ4dI-Y\_Hn9gYkYZ4xoCoGcQAvD\_BwE](

1 comment
  1. I had 1 for 3DS and found it quite good, but the one you’ve linked is 2, which claims to have twice the volume of content of 1. For the most part it’s just the same game released over and over with more stuff in it each time.

    I think the 3DS screen (especially LL) is a lot bigger than DS, so that would be a benefit.

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