Exploring Ceramics in Japan – recommendation?

Hi, I’m about to move to Japan under a Working Holiday Visa Scheme. As of now, I practice ceramics as a hobby. In Japan I hope to dive deeper into ceramics by visiting ceramic towns and potentially doing an apprenticeship, internship or assistant roles with pottery studio. However, I heard that most of studios aren’t open call and requires a referral, which makes sense. That being said, I thought I’d ask around to see if anyone would know workshops / ceramicists / studios that are open to taking in someone part-time assistant roles. I’m a professional designer by trait but bit hoping to take a break from computer work. Been practicing ceramics for 4 years now so I’d say I have some skills to offer. With a whole year in Japan I’d like to do beyond the usual “1-day workshop” or introductory courses.

If anyone knows any awesome places to visit, I’m welcoming all suggestions rn! Thanks!

by Junior-Working6372

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