I am currently a high school student in America with an interest in going to a university/college in Japan.
Since I am half Japanese with a dual citizenship, apparently it’s possible for me to get in as a “kikokushijo”(帰国子女)/returnee student, but I’m not too sure about the process.
As I am really new to this whole thing, where should I start off other than choosing what I want to learn? I’ve already done the most basic researches, but I would love to hear opinions and advices from people in this community. It would be really cool if anyone could share any stories or experiences they had as a kikokushijo.
I’ve been interested in places like Sophia University or Waseda (very famous places!) but if there are any other colleges that seems better as a returnee student, please let me know.
Thank you so much for reading all of this, and have a wonderful day 🙂
(FYI, my first language is Japanese and I can speak and read fluent Japanese.)
by Sprinklydinklycute