Does express transit suica work for everything?

Tried setting it up on my phone but couldn’t get it to work for a vending machine.

Does it only work for ticket gates or anywhere suica is accepted? Was wondering if I need to do anything special for it to work or just keep at it?

  1. Where it can be used, a logo matching the one on the card will be displayed.

    There are a number of brands available, depending on where you are in Japan.

    Rant follows, reading unnecessary:

    Some cards even work with multiple brands (ie Passmo + SUICA + ICOCA). What gets me is the *receivers* are the part that, technologically, does not need to be branded: that’s all software, any receiver could be used with any card if the computer it was plugged into had the right program. Japan has had these NFC payment cards for more than twenty years, and phones that can replace them for about fifteen, and they are still flailing.

    It has taken so long to adopt this technology *outside of transportation hubs*, that a dozen *new* brands of *exactly the same technology* have popped up to fill in at restaurants, hotels, convenience stores, etc. and are even marketing “cashless” as if it were a new concept that didn’t exist before 2020.

    Worse yet, everyone just believes that. I have asked people about their multiple NFC cards and NFC phone applications and they simply accept it as a fact of life that the technology they use in the station and the technology they use in the restaurant are fundamentally different and incompatible.

    Why couldn’t these brands open up their licensing so people could choose one of their liking and use it everywhere *twenty years ago*!?

  2. Depends in the setup. You can make it work on vending machines but sometimes you need to double tap the side (iPhone) button and then authenticate before you tap the payment touch thing. I always do it – but it depends how often and recently you authenticated.
    Suica never asks for authentication with transit/transportation – it’s just the point of express. Same on Apple Watch btw.

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