Going to Japan first time

Hey guys going to Japan in little over a month and want some feedback on what I came up with so far. Any suggestions I’m up for. We love anime and definitely want to try new foods.

Japan Trip April 3rd – 16th

April 3 – land in Nar/ check into Airbnb
Explore neighborhood/dinner

April 4th – Team Lab Borderless 11:30am
Mario Kart Shuibya 6:00 pm
Explore shuibya after

April 5th – Mt. Fuji/ Fuji Q/ dinner

April 6th – Tokyo

April 7th – Tokyo

April 8th – DisneySea / explore Tokyo after

April 9th – Leave Tokyo for Kyoto
Check in to hotel
Explore area/dinner

April 10th – Kyoto

April 11th – Studio Ghibi 12:00pm

April 12th Kyoto/ leave for Osaka
Check in to Airbnb
Explore area/dinner

April 13th – Aquarium

April 14th – Hironishma

April 15th – Osaka ( maybe universal)

April 16th Osaka train to Tokyo/ fly home

by Recent_Government863

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