Living in Japan and Vancouver (with a family)

“Life partner/child’s father has PTSD and Aspergers. Needs a year, maybe longer, to move outside of our home city (Vancouver) to go monk mode.”
– This is his idea/solution that he’s come up with after we’ve tried so many things offered in the Western world for 6 years. He’s tried group therapy, individual therapy, medication, naturopathic treatments, and he does boxing/muay thai on a team. He says that he can’t turn his dark thoughts off when he’s here, but when we go on “vacation” (we visit my family for 2 months/year) he’s so happy and calm, and doesn’t feel depressed or anxious at all. We’ve never tried changing his environment and that’s what has worked for a lot of his peers.

I have Japanese citizenship and my side of the family lives in Japan. We want him to move to Japan for however long he needs.

Financially, it isn’t a concern if he needs a “break” for a year or for a decade or longer.

However, I enjoy working and my business is my passion. I’m not ready to give that up completely yet.

I’m 28, he’s 33. Our son is turning 5 soon.

He doesn’t speak Japanese yet, but he’s working on it. And he isn’t a socially demanding person (he seems to only need me, his few close buddies, a dog?, and a couple of hours playing computer games at night).

We’ve basically retired my mom and she’s happy to live in Vancouver, but more happy to live in Japan right now, as it’s more convenient to support my aging grandparents. She’s offered to help provide assistance to my partner living in Japan and to provide childcare in the months I come back to Vancouver.

I like the idea of my son going to international school for his elementary school years. I will come back to Vancouver for a few months out of the year to deal with business, and when in Japan, work on acquiring a designation when I’m not spending time with the family.

Any advice, relationship/as a parent/legal/taxation/etc. would be appreciated!


by Sea-Minute8949

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