Is 400k JPY per month gross salary enough to live in tokyo for a family of 3(4 month old baby)?

I was offered a job which I really want but I have to be practical since I have a family and I need to save up for the future. Any advice is highly appreciated. Thank you

How much salary would I need to live comfortably in tokyo with my family?

Edit: Thank you all for your Insights. My Wife(SAH) and I are both Filipino and just got the offer a few days ago for a chemical engineer role. I have done my calculations prior and have arrived to the conclusion that the offer was not feasible but the HR of the company has been insisting that it is more than enough to live in tokyo. So I just posted here to hear first hand experience from those who are living in japan. Ill probably just turn down the offer. Thanks everyone

Edit: Apparently job is in yokohama not in tokyo.Any advice?

by mukhmafi8

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