HSP Visa with PhD not related to job

Hello everybody, I’m looking for a job in Japan as a Software Developer, I have a Bachelor’s degree in Software Engineering (and experience as dev), and a second Bachelor’s degree in Medical Science, also a Master’s degree and a PhD (both in Medical Science).

Thus, my question is, Can I apply for HSP Visa and get points for my PhD? or the fact that is unrelated to my career and my job offer as software developer would affect my petition?

Can I get the 5 extra points by my second Bachelor’s degree in different fields?

Also, I’ve 3 published papers in which I’m first author (no one related to dev, but one is in applying data science methods to Medical Science), Can I get the 15 points for this?

Thanks in advance…

by _Python_Sun

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **HSP Visa with PhD not related to job**

    Hello everybody, I’m looking for a job in Japan as a Software Developer, I have a Bachelor’s degree in Software Engineering (and experience as dev), and a second Bachelor’s degree in Medical Science, also a Master’s degree and a PhD (both in Medical Science).

    Thus, my question is, Can I apply for HSP Visa and get points for my PhD? or the fact that is unrelated to my career and my job offer as software developer would affect my petition?

    Can I get the 5 extra points by my second Bachelor’s degree in different fields?

    Also, I’ve 3 published papers in which I’m first author (no one related to dev, but one is in applying data science methods to Medical Science), Can I get the 15 points for this?

    Thanks in advance…

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  2. While it doesn’t provide a direct answer to what your are asking, question 5 in the [HSP point system FAQ](https://www.moj.go.jp/isa/content/930001663.pdf) states that if your have academic degree in multiple disciples, you can get points for each. If degrees from multiple disciples give points, I can’t imagine that there’s a requirement for degrees to fit the work one will do in Japan.

    Note, however, that topical for *is* a requirement for job experience to be counted (the documents one has to submit to proof work experience have to make clear what kind of work the past employment entailed)

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