Hot Take: Im glad The R3M and co did not face Okada in any singles matches

Shota, Tsuji, Narita, Yuya, Gabe, and others have a free for all to disparage Okada now and they can do it without being weak. They never got the chance to duke it out with Okada one on one and can all freely state Okada saw his time coming and ran away (true).

Stop thinking of this as “The Ace never put them over” and more like “The Ace feared them”. These guys can develop their own magic with each other and the other remaining main eventers. As Okada said himself, this isn’t a chance, this is a crisis. They have a burden to carry and I have confidence in them. In ten years time when Okada is older and comes back to NJPW, we have ready made storylines for all of them to kick his old ass.

by T3Deliciouz

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