Traditional characters

Hi, I wanted to ask you guys abut the simplified and traditional characters in japanese. I know that some of kanji characters were simplified but are the traditional versions “incorrect”? For example, if I used 靈 instead of 霊 or 鐵 instead of 鉄 would that be weird? I feel like the traditional way of writing is the right one but I would like to know how that could be seen by others.

  1. Unlike in Chinese, where mixing Traditional Chinese Characters and Simplified Chinese Characters (outside of an artistic setting) is usually considered as wrong and incorrect, you “can” mix the Kyujitai forms and Shinjitai forms of Japanese Kanji when you write.

    However, “Can” here comes with the Big Caveats that overusing Kyujitai, in general or with specific Kanji, can come off as Odd, Weird, or even Pretentious. It can be associated with 中二病 for instance.

    You also have to consider that unlike in Chinese, where we learn to “Write 1, Read 2” in relation to Simplified and Traditional Characters, many people perfectly literate in Japanese may just straight up not actively know the Kyujitai forms of even common Shinjitai Kanji.

  2. Yes, it would be weird. This is rarely done except to consciously give an old-timey feel to something. (If you do see it in text that’s NOT meant to be old-timey, there is a good chance it was produced by a person who speaks Chinese as their native language)

  3. Your average under 30 Japanese can’t even read all the 常用 kanji, do you really think they can read 旧字体?

    You are dealing with a nation that is functionally illiterate. The proliferation of light novels and dumbed-down regular novels (e.g., Murakami) reflects that.

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